The Pigeon Chapter of the Huron County Historical Society was organized on September 7, 1976, in the community rooms of the Pigeon District Library.
There were forty-four charter members.
Mrs. Jim (Ethel) Corrion was elected the first president. H. Dryden Haist was chosen as vice-president, Roberta Richmond, as secretary, and George Dunn as treasurer, as interim officers.
In December of that year, a committee was formed to write by-laws. The by-laws were adopted at the February 1977 meeting.
Meetings were scheduled for the first Monday of each month. In January an election for permanent officers was conducted. H. Dryden Haist was elected president, Eleanora Eicher (Trost), vice president; Roberta Richmond, secretary; George Dunn treasurer and Joann Haist, assistant treasurer.
The first fund-raising project was held in 1977. This was a consignment auction and was held at the Cooperative Elevator Bean storage warehouse. The proceeds from this project provided an operating fund for the Society. Other fund-raisers were held from time to time.
At a special meeting called by the president, the Village of Pigeon presented Village Ordinance No. 64 which officially created the Pigeon Historical Society. It is one of the nine divisions of the village government.
President Haist appointed six directors during his first year of office. They were Carl Dast, Clifton Baily, Naomi Wichert, Marie Leipprandt, Roberta Richmond, and Arthur Woelke.
The Society has maintained a membership of about 45 members throughout the years. Its primary purpose is to maintain the museum and to publicize and promote the rich historical heritage of the area.